Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day four.

This is day four! I had a much better day today than I had yesterday, which is always a good thing. Ok, well here's the picture.

A little about this. It doesn't really represent anything... It's just a random picture, I guess. But if you really felt the need for it to represent something, I suppose it could be the calm in my life that I'm currently missing. Because even though I had a better day, I'm still really stressed. So, yeah. That's about it. Time to go write a whole paper for IB English, I guess. Fun stuff.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day three.

This is day three of my photo adventure. I'm again very surprised that I remembered to make this post. Let's see if I can keep it up with my ridiculously busy schedule. There just aren't enough hours in the day, you know? Anyway, here's the picture.

This picture represents many things to me. It's basically a culmination of my life right now. It has me with a "If you're going to doubt something, doubt your limits" magnet because those are the exact words that I can't seem to relate to. Ironic, isn't it? Today was, I have decided, one of the worst days I've had since middle school... that's three years, if you're bad at math like me (one of the many contributing factors to the horrible nature of the day). I'm just glad this monstrously depressing day is ending and tomorrow is coming, because I don't know how much more of this I can take. My heart's deepest desire at the moment is to curl up and sleep for the next three weeks, until everything difficult is over. Everything requiring effort. I just did not have a good day.

I need a mental health day, but with my schedule, that's just not possible.

God please let tomorrow be better than today.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day two.

Day two of my photo adventure. We'll see if I can keep this up... I'm kind of surprised that I was even able to get two days in a row without forgetting.

So this picture is actually from last night, but I just put it on my computer now. It had a 30-second exposure and was taken at about 9:45 last night in pitch darkness. It's of my house and the moon. Just thought I'd let you know. So, yeah. I guess it just represents my excitement to have the Nikon D70 that Mrs. Mooney is letting me borrow because it allows me to do things like this without completely screwing them up.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Day one.

As a challenge for my advanced photography class, I will be embarking on the long journey of taking one picture each day for one full year.

This is day one.

The first picture I am uploading is a picture I took of the paper detailing the payments we have to make for the trip my sister and I are taking to England and Scotland next August.

This shows what has been on my mind the most for the past few weeks, and I thought it would be a good picture to start with as lately I have been very distracted thinking about the trip.